Breaking Green
Produced by Global Justice Ecology Project, Breaking Green is a podcast that talks with activists and experts to examine the intertwined issues of social, ecological and economic injustice. Breaking Green also explores some of the more outrageous proposals to address climate and environmental crises that are falsely being sold as green.
But we can't do it without you! We accept no corporate sponsors, and rely on people like you to make Breaking Green possible.
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Podcasting since 2021 • 39 episodes
Breaking Green
Latest Episodes
No Planet B: Why Mars is More Myth than Mission with Dennis Meredith
We explore the myths and realities of space colonization and assess whether humans can survive long-term deep space travel. In this episode, author Dennis Meredith explains why we might need to rethink our ambitions and focus on protecting our ...
Season 5
Episode 2

Leonard Peltier's Road to Clemency with Michael Kuzma
What happens when justice collides with government secrecy? We invite you to join our conversation with attorney Michael Kuzma as we untangle the complex case of Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist imprisoned for nearly five decades. De...
Season 5
Episode 1
Artificial Intelligence and Generative Biology with Jim Thomas
What is artificial intelligence and how are some corporate interests seeking to hand over the development of genetically engineered organisms to it?Join us as we unpack this question with Jim Thomas, an activist and researcher who chall...
Season 4
Episode 9

When "Protecting Nature" Harms Its True Guardians with Anuradha Mittal
What if conservation efforts meant to protect our planet were actually causing significant harm to the very people who have safeguarded these lands for generations? On this episode of Breaking Green, we speak with founder and execu...
Season 4
Episode 8

The Renewable Diesel Scam with Gary Hughes
Can converting petroleum refineries into renewable diesel production truly serve as a green alternative, or is it merely greenwashing? Join us this week on Breaking Green as we tackle this controversial issue with Gary Hughes from Biofuelwatch....
Season 4
Episode 7